Astrology with Tatiana

NATAL Astrology

MITIGATING the chart(s)



HORARY Astrology



“Each of us is not alone. You have at least 10 partners in the sky to dance with during your whole life. Some might feel smooth and natural, fun to explore, others might seem more challenging, they might require some learning, practice and compromise, yet you can learn a whole lot about yourself!

These invisible “partners” usually need attention and often want to connect with you. You cannot just ignore them and shake them off.

So eventually you might realize that it is better to cooperate and play together as a more connected team. Yet how?

That is the mystery of astrology. Life will bring the answers if you ask questions, & astrologer like a guide – a translator of celestial language, can help in that process assisting on that unique Journey.

Welcome to the world of planets!”


Tatiana Balashova
(Vancouver, Canada)

Western Astrologer, Numerologer
Member of International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)

Crystal Healer, Reiki Level II Practitioner
Certified Life Coach with MACards, Art Therapist
Certified Metaphorical Cards Counselor
Certified Emotion-Image Therapist

Wellness Vlogger

“Life in Glow Wellness” website >>
​Client-centered, integrative, holistic approach
Natal Psychological Astrology, Locational Astrology, Remediation, Timing

Working with the following house systems: Placidus, Equal, Porphyry, Whole Signs.


My Approach:

I practice integrative, holistic, psychological approach (see the bio), so usually combine consulting with counselling and in some cases with life coaching elements.

If you are interested in a DISCOVERY consultation for Locational Astrology Research, you can find details on the locational astrology page and fill out the booking form.

NOTES on Consultations:

  • Most of the consultations include elements of mitigating complex astrological influences and tips on using the best positions.
  • Consultations are offered in Zoom with a recording as a bonus (skype is used as a backup). Some consultations can be offered  in a recording (audio + charts).
  • Duration of the consultation varies from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the type of consultation and rate. Preparation time is included (varies from 1h for horary and up to 10-50+ hours for other).
  • Consultations have to be prepaid and scheduled in advance, waiting time after payment (booking) varies from 2 to 6 weeks on average. Some horary (1 brief question consultations) can be provided within 3-7 days.
  • Each consultation requires filling out a specific form with birth data and personal information about events and some facts related to the consultation request. Information is kept confidential unless the client agreed to take part in the research and offer their chart for research and teaching workshops, articles or videos (birthdata for horary consultations is optional.)

    FAQ and how to pay & book the consultation you can find at the bottom of the page(s).


Natal consultation is the basis of most astrological counseling. Learn more about:

  • Your “big three” – Sun, Moon, AC (ascendant)
  • Dynamics in the chart, shape of the chart, how energy flows there
  • What shapes up your unique character
  • Your talents, strengths and challenges
  • You calling, favorable activities, hobbies
  • What can bring your money, balance & harmony
  • Significant planetary patterns (chart signatures) 
  • Karmic lessons & tasks, possible life paths 
  • What type of partner is good for a marriage or specific relationship
  • Sexuality in the chart
  • Answers to specific questions
  • What can mitigate complex astrological influences


Prices are in USD (per person)

$95 – 30-min consultation

$155 – 60-min consultation  

$195 – 90-min consultation

3-6 hours of preparation time is incluuded (depending on the length).

BONUS: For any astrology consultations over $150 I offer a bonus  – a complimentary horary consultation, see horary consultatiosn for more information (value $75).

Note: Some questions require a different type of consultation apart from natal (e.g. locational, timing, compatibility or horary). Describe your questions and I will give you a quote in a chat or by email.

2) ANSWER to 1 QUESTION (yes/no or choice)

Answer to 1 Question

(with horary or natal astrology)

NB: in some cases questions can be properly answers only be done within a longer consultation when I use natal and timing charts instead of horary.

Most common choice of a horary consultation is questions are “yes or no” questions or choice questions (choosing from 2-10 options for example). Some psychological questions also can be answers through horary consultation, as well as natal.

USD $75 per 1 consultation

package of 3 for $185 (valid for 3 months)

package of 5 for $275 ($55 per question, valid for 6 months)

You will get a brief answer if I can answer the question. In some cases the horary chart shows that the question cannot be answered at that time and it it recommended to reask the question at some other time later. For such questions best is to submit the inquiry through a Whatsapp/ Telegram / Skype chat or by email. 

More information about horary session can be found by email / in a chat, feel free to contact.



Comparing a few places, selecting a favorable place, as well as for deeper understanding influences of the current place you live.

See FAQ at the locational astrology page for details.

Custom packages are available on request for both natal & locational consultations (astrology + life coaching / counseling/ therapy).


(till September 15th, 2024):

Natal consultation + Locational influences + transits + progressed Moon

(diagnostics up to 5 places, 90 min)

1 person – usd $285 

2 people – usd $495 


(Price is within research conditions – the locational astrology page for details.

Consultations are in Zoom or in a recording (video / audio + charts).

(see FAQ for more details and rates)


Please check the desktop version of the website for more information on other types of consultations or feel free to contact by chat (whatsapp or skype) or email.

Links for chats are at:

* compatibility

* family dynamics

* timing consultations (favorability, life cycles)

* solar return chart (energy of the year)

* retro research

* support during relocating – immigrating / moving

* astrology + numerology

* custom packages (astrology with therapy, counseling, life coaching OR combinations of a few astrological consultations)

I add elements of counseling or life coaching into some consultations.





Astrology (natal, locational, timing, answers to Qs)

(May 2020, Vancouver, Canada)

This was a very interactive session, which I appreciate so much. The information was accurate and helpful, validating a lot of my questions. It gave me a lot to come back to and revisit, and this is when I really get more “aha’s”. The reading was jam packed full of juicy information interpreted by Tatiana reading my chart, as well as intuitive information that comes through her. She has a reemarkable talent for reading astrology, that I feel is strongly backed up by her intuitive coaching work, and extensive knowledge in other healing modalities.

Kate Y.

Natal Astrology (Ukraine, July 2022)

“I booked a consultation with a natal chart reading and Tanya answers my questions 200% out of 100! Have no idea how she was able to touched topics which I thought about but did not even voiced. There was an impression that everything got into their place in my head. Tanya carefully leads the session, she is quite detail oriented and genuinely interested, dives very deeply into the chart.

The main thing was that I made some conclusion about what to strive for in the next 2 years. Because of the events in Ukraine, I had to start everything from scratch and of course, I wanted to understand whether to continue what I was doing, whether I was on my true path. And the consultation helped me to find those answers. Appreciate a lot!!”


Astrology (Natal, Answers to Qs, Timing, Locational)

(Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2020)

“Tatiana is a really good astrologist and therapist for those who never dealt with natal charts before (like me) since she explains from the beginning what the natal charts are about, what are the planets and the houses about, how they can influence our life and behaviour. And, of course, during the session, Tatiana helps to find answers
to the questions that’ve been bothering you for a long time. You can even find solutions on your calling or future life or your ways to recuperate.

What is more, prior to the session Tatiana had sent me a form to fill in, a kind of questionnaire. I should say, this form itself has a therapeutic effect. While filling it in, you are analyzing your whole life, family ties and starting to understand what is actually happening in your life.”  

Lilija P.

Astrology + MACards (Lilija, Ukraine, 2018)

(review translated from Russian)

“I really liked how astrology was combined at the session with Metaphorical Cards. Astrology helps to understand what can be expected in your life (your destiny), and MACards is your decision, your vision of the situation and it is also often so important to bring it to the light! 

After the session I calmed down and felt more peaceful, more grateful and started to perceive things in a much calmer, more balanced way. I’ve got a hope for the better and clarified my goals. I actually found a supportive job right after the session which helps me to distract myself in a good way and apply my talents. I started learning how to work online so that I could open my future business. I looked at my relationship with my mom in a different way and still working on it, so that I could accept her more and forgive. Thank you Tanjusha so much for your help! From all my heart I wish you all the best! People need you and you bring peace and happiness to the world!”  


Natal consultation  (Vancouver, Canada, 2021)

“Really fun! It was great to learn all about astrology and my chart. It was interesting to delve into different aspects of myself as well.” 

Julia T.

Natal Astrology  ​(Yaroslavl, Russia, 2019)
(review translated from Russian)

“I love to test everything on myself and I like to discover new methods, as well as new people. There are no 2 similar astrologers. So for me astrology consultations are like journeys to myself. I prefer to define a direction focusing on the questions which are most actual for the present moment. And while finding answers to them check if they match (align with) my inner compass. Lots of things resonated with me during the consultation, now I need to take time to bring it to a more conscious level and keep traveling further with a deeper understanding and feeling.”


There are a few ways to book a a consultation.

Repeating clients might be eligible for a discount (e.g. if you are taking a follow-up consultation).

How to book a consultation:

1) Choose the type of consultation and mention your main questions for the consultation.

Contact me through  Whatsapp or Skype .

Mention what astrology consultation you would like to have an your main questions. If you are not sure what to choose, I’d be glad to help you in the chat.

2) Once we agree on the type of consultation, you provide payment:

* by PayPal in CAD / USD / Euro

* e-transfer in CAD (within Canada)

* in roubles to a Russian bank (TBD)

* other methods of payment TBD

3) I will send you a specific form to fill out and the date of consultation in zoom or recording will be confirmed.

(information needed for the preparation for your consultation can differ).


1) Usually sessions are scheduled within 2-5 weeks depending on availability and amount of preparation time required (locational astrology might take longer from 3 to 10 weeks, some urgent horary questions within 3-10 days after accepting the question).

2) For urgent consultations there might be extra charge applied. 

Feel free to contact for any questions.

​Look forward to the collaboration!


If you are a client and would like to leave a review on the LifeinGlow Google page / FB page or (and) the website, you can find the links on my taplink.

 GIFT CERTIFICATES are available for amounts of $55 – $350+, it can be a custom amount, up to your choice, often certificates are done for rounded up amounts, e.g. $55, $75, $100, etc. Each certificate has to have a name, expiry date, number.

Feel free to contact to discuss.

To purchase a gift certificate, choose the amount and currency, add 4% for PayPal fees and pay for it through PayPal:

Please let me know what currency you prefer for the gift certificate value. If it is not mentioned I will use the equivalent amount in USD or CAD by default.

Certificates to specific consultations are available on the current rates + transaction fees. Note, when you are buying a gift certificate on a special rate, there is usually a certain expiry date, however the amount paid will not expire for 3 years (from the day of purchase), you can still redeem it to any service of Life in Glow Wellness balancing the difference in price.

NATAL Astrology

MITIGATING the chart(s)



HORARY Astrology


“Each of us is not alone. You have at least 10 partners in the sky to dance with during your whole life. These dances will be quite different – some might feel smooth and natural, fun to explore, you would probably want to repeat them again and again. Others might seem more challenging, they might require some learning, practice and adaptation, even a compromise at times, yet you can learn a whole lot about yourself!

These invisible “partners” usually need attention and often want to connect with you. You cannot just ignore them and shake them off, and if you choose to do so, they can remind you, who is who. So eventually you might realize that it is better to cooperate and play together as a more connected team. Yet how?

That is the mystery of astrology. Life will bring the answers if you ask questions, & astrologer like a guide – a translator of celestial language, can help in that process assisting on that unique Journey.

Welcome to the world of planets!”


Tatiana Balashova
(Vancouver, Canada)

Western Astrologer, Numerologer
Member of International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)

Crystal Healer, Reiki Level II Practitioner
Certified Life Coach with MACards, Art Therapist
Certified Metaphorical Cards Counselor
Certified Emotion-Image Therapist

Wellness Vlogger

“Life in Glow Wellness” website >>

Client-centered, integrative, holistic approach
Natal Psychological Astrology, Locational Astrology, Remediation, Timing

Working with the following house systems: Placidus, Equal, Porphyry, Whole Signs.



 Natal consultation is the basis of most astrological counseling. Learn more about:

  • Your “big three” – Sun, Moon, AC (ascendant)
  • Dynamics in the chart, shape of the chart, how energy flows there
  • What shapes up your unique character
  • Your talents, strengths and challenges
  • You calling, favorable activities, hobbies
  • What can bring your money, balance & harmony
  • Significant planetary patterns (chart signatures) 
  • Karmic lessons & tasks, possible life paths 
  • What type of partner is good for a marriage or specific relationship
  • Sexuality in the chart
  • Answers to specific questions
  • What can mitigate complex astrological influences

Prices are in USD (per person)

$95 – 30-min consultation

$155 – 60-min consultation  

$195 – 90-min consultation

3-6 hours of preparation time is included (depending on the length).

BONUS: For any astrology consultations over $150 I offer a bonus  – a complimentary horary consultation, see horary consultatiosn for more information (value $75).

Note: Some questions require a different type of consultation apart from natal (e.g. locational, timing, compatibility or horary). Describe your questions and I will give you a quote in a chat or by email.

SPECIAL OFFER (till March 30th, 2025):

Child chart analysis – $75 (30 min) /  $135 (1 hour)

2) ANSWER to 1 QUESTION (yes/no or choice)

Answer to 1 Question

(with horary or natal astrology)

NB: in some cases questions can be properly answers only be done within a longer consultation when I use natal and timing charts instead of horary.

Most common choice of a horary consultation is questions are “yes or no” questions or choice questions (choosing from 2-10 options for example). Some psychological questions also can be answers through horary consultation, as well as natal.

USD $75 per 1 consultation

package of 3 for $185 (valid for 3 months)

package of 5 for $275 ($55 per question, valid for 6 months)

You will get a brief answer if I can answer the question. In some cases the horary chart shows that the question cannot be answered at that time and it it recommended to reask the question at some other time later. For such questions best is to submit the inquiry through a Whatsapp/ Telegram / Skype chat or by email. 

More information about horary session can be found by email / in a chat, feel free to contact.


Locational Astrology

Comparing a few places, selecting a favorable place, as well as for deeper understanding influences of the current place you live.

See FAQ at the locational astrology page for details.

Custom packages are available on request for both natal & locational consultations (astrology + life coaching / counseling/ therapy).


SPECIAL PACKAGE  (offer till April 15th, 2025):

Natal consultation + Locational influences + Timing influences 

(locational analysis up to 5 places, 90 min recording with charts/ maps)

1 person – USD $285 

2 people – USD $495 

* Returning clients have a discount $50 / person

(this package is offered on research conditions – the locational astrology page for details.

(see FAQ for more details)


💞 Compatibility Analysis (2-5 People)

Understand yourself and those close to you better. This consultation helps improve communication, navigate decision-making, and foster self-acceptance while embracing differences.

Common Compatibility Types:

  • You + Partner(s) (one or multiple potential matches)
  • Parent & Child
  • Sibling Relationships
  • Family & Relatives
  • Friends & Colleagues

What’s Included?

Usually I analyze each person’s natal chart plus 1-3 compatibility charts. In some cases, I also recommend examining:

✔️ Geo-location influences – relevant to where you live or work
✔️ Timing factors – useful for understanding unexpected shifts in relationships

🏷️ Rates depend on the number of people, charts analyzed, and complexity of the questions.

Special Offer:

👩‍👧 1 Parent + 1 Child$195  (Regular price: $295)
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 2 Parents + 2 Children$435 (Regular price: $575)

Includes a brief natal chart analysis, a few compatibility charts, and geo-influence insights for one location.

📩 Get in Touch for a quote
Contact via WhatsApp, Skype, or email for details. Chat links:


🌿 Family Dynamics Consultation

Analysis of 3-10 family members (typically spanning 2-3 generations) to identify common patterns, karmic lessons, and communication dynamics. Includes answers to 3-5 key questions.

🏷️ Pricing:

  • $35/hour – preparation (usually 5+ hours)
  • $75/hour – live or recorded Zoom consultation

For an exact quote, please reach out. Some cases require additional timing and locational analysis.

Timing Consultations

Life Cycles & Favorable Periods.

Solar Return Chart

(energy & focus of the year)

$75 (45 min) – for returning clients (if you had a natal reading in the last 3 years)

$125 (60 min) – for new clients

🔄 Retro Research

Gain deeper insights into life patterns, break repeating cycles, and find closure by understanding past influences.

Topics include:

✔️ Past relationships
✔️ Business insights (past & present)
✔️ Eclipses and their effects
✔️ Recurring life events/patterns
✔️ Solar return charts, progressions & more
✔️ Guidance for relocation & immigration
✔️ Astrology + numerology

🎯 Custom Wellness Packages

Combine astrology with therapy, counseling, or life coaching for deeper support.

📩 Get in Touch to discuss / for a quote

Contact via WhatsApp, Skype, or email for details.

💬 Chat links:


That is the best way to collaborate imo.

I work a lot with custom packages, tailored for specific requests.

Situations of each client vary, feel free to contact to describe what you are looking for or your challenges and what transfromation or insights you are looking for and I will suggest the best option.

Examples of packages:

1) natal + timing influences + locational astrology for a 1-10 places

2) package as #1) for a family of 2 or more people (family), e.g. useful for making a decision whether to stay in the same place or to move and which of the option is the most favorable place (2 horary questions are a bonus)

3)  natal consultations for 2 people + compatibility consultation 

4) MOVING package (relocation, immigration support)

Natal + timing + locational + psychotherapy / counseling or life coaching

Includes analyzing various charts to compare the options and help to choose the best one from the astrological perspective. Psychological methods are recommended as supplementary sessions for emotional balance, decision-making, problem-solving and adaptation in a new place.

Information support can be provided as well (help with research and online resources for making an informed decision, e.g. choosing a country for moving).

Rates vary on the amount of work, on average:

USD $25-35/h for preparation and $75/h for the zoom consultation / recording.


5) Life Transformational Package

A custom package tailored for a specific goal / created on request, can be combined with psychotherapy, counseling sessions as well as life coaching.

It can be beneficial in these cases:

* Career change

* Relocation

* Change of relationship

* Age crisis, e.g. at ages 8-12 / 17-21 / 28-30 / 34-36 / 38-46 y.o/ 49-52, 57-60, 82-85 and other.

Rates start at $1500+ depending on the amount of consultation and therapy/ counseling / coaching sessions.

My Approach:

I practice integrative, holistic, psychological approach (see the bio), so usually combine consulting with counselling and in some cases with life coaching elements.

If you are interested in a DISCOVERY consultation for Locational Astrology Research, you can find details on the locational astrology page and fill out the booking form.

NOTES on Consultations:

  • Most of the consultations include elements of mitigating complex astrological influences and tips on using the best positions.
  • Consultations are offered in Zoom with a recording as a bonus (skype is used as a backup). Some consultations can be offered  in a recording (audio + charts).
  • Duration of the consultation varies depending on the type of consultation and rate (get a quote – send a whatsapp message or email). Preparation time is included (varies from 1h for horary and up to 10-50+ hours for other consultations)


    FAQ and how to pay & book the consultation you can find at the bottom of the page(s).



Astrology (natal, locational, timing, answers to Qs)

(May 2020, Vancouver, Canada)

This was a very interactive session, which I appreciate so much. The information was accurate and helpful, validating a lot of my questions. It gave me a lot to come back to and revisit, and this is when I really get more “aha’s”. The reading was jam packed full of juicy information interpreted by Tatiana reading my chart, as well as intuitive information that comes through her. She has a remarkable talent for reading Astrology, that I feel is strongly backed up by her intuitive coaching work, and extensive knowledge in other healing modalities.

Kate Y.

Natal Astrology (Ukraine, July 2022)

(review translated from Russian)

“I booked a consultation with a natal chart reading and Tanya answers my questions 200% out of 100! Have no idea how she was able to touched topics which I thought about but did not even voiced. There was an impression that everything got into their place in my head. Tanya carefully leads the session, she is quite detail oriented and genuinely interested, dives very deeply into the chart.

The main thing was that I made some conclusion about what to strive for in the next 2 years. Because of the events in Ukraine, I had to start everything from scratch and of course, I wanted to understand whether to continue what I was doing, whether I was on my true path. And the consultation helped me to find those answers. Appreciate a lot!!”


Astrology (Natal, Answers to Qs, Timing, Locational)

(Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 2020)
(review translated from Russian)

“Tatiana is a really good astrologist and therapist for those who never dealt with natal charts before (like me) since she explains from the beginning what the natal charts are about, what are the planets and the houses about, how they can influence our life and behaviour. And, of course, during the session, Tatiana helps to find answers
to the questions that’ve been bothering you for a long time. You can even find solutions on your calling or future life or your ways to recuperate.

What is more, prior to the session Tatiana had sent me a form to fill in, a kind of questionnaire. I should say, this form itself has a therapeutic effect. While filling it in, you are analyzing your whole life, family ties and starting to understand what is actually happening in your life.”  

Lilija P.

Astrology + MACards (Lilija, Ukraine, 2018)

(review translated from Russian)

“I really liked how astrology was combined at the session with Metaphorical Cards. Astrology helps to understand what can be expected in your life (your destiny), and MACards is your decision, your vision of the situation and it is also often so important to bring it to the light! 

After the session I calmed down and felt more peaceful, more grateful and started to perceive things in a much calmer, more balanced way. I’ve got a hope for the better and clarified my goals. I actually found a supportive job right after the session which helps me to distract myself in a good way and apply my talents. I started learning how to work online so that I could open my future business. I looked at my relationship with my mom in a different way and still working on it, so that I could accept her more and forgive. Thank you Tanjusha so much for your help! From all my heart I wish you all the best! People need you and you bring peace and happiness to the world!”  


Natal consultation  (Vancouver, Canada, 2021)

“Really fun! It was great to learn all about astrology and my chart. It was interesting to delve into different aspects of myself as well.” 

Julia T.

Natal Astrology  ​(Yaroslavl, Russia, 2019)
(review translated from Russian)

“I love to test everything on myself and I like to discover new methods, as well as new people. There are no 2 similar astrologers. So for me astrology consultations are like journeys to myself. I prefer to define a direction focusing on the questions which are most actual for the present moment. And while finding answers to them check if they match (align with) my inner compass. Lots of things resonated with me during the consultation, now I need to take time to bring it to a more conscious level and keep traveling further with a deeper understanding and feeling.”


There are a few ways to book a a consultation.

Repeating clients might be eligible for a discount (e.g. if you are taking a follow-up consultation).

How to book a consultation:

1) Choose the type of consultation and mention your main questions for the consultation.

Contact me through  Whatsapp or Skype .

Mention what astrology consultation you would like to have an your main questions. If you are not sure what to choose, I’d be glad to help you in the chat.

2) Once we agree on the type of consultation, you provide payment:

* by PayPal in CAD / USD / Euro

* e-transfer in CAD (within Canada)

* in roubles to a Russian bank (TBD)

* other methods of payment TBD

3) I will send you a specific form to fill out and the date of consultation in zoom or recording will be confirmed.

(information needed for the preparation for your consultation can differ).


1) Usually sessions are scheduled within 2-5 weeks depending on availability and amount of preparation time required (locational astrology might take longer from 3 to 10 weeks, some urgent horary questions within 3-10 days after accepting the question).

2) For urgent consultations there might be extra charge applied. 

Feel free to contact for any questions.

​Look forward to the collaboration!


If you are a client and would like to leave a review on the LifeinGlow Google page / FB page or (and) the website, you can find the links on my taplink.

 GIFT CERTIFICATES are available for amounts of $55 – $350+, it can be a custom amount, up to your choice, often certificates are done for rounded up amounts, e.g. $55, $75, $100, etc. Each certificate has to have a name, expiry date, number.

Feel free to contact to discuss.

To purchase a gift certificate, choose the amount and currency, add 4% for PayPal fees and pay for it through PayPal:

Please let me know what currency you prefer for the gift certificate value. If it is not mentioned I will use the equivalent amount in USD or CAD by default.

Certificates to specific consultations are available on the current rates + transaction fees. Note, when you are buying a gift certificate on a special rate, there is usually a certain expiry date, however the amount paid will not expire for 3 years (from the day of purchase), you can still redeem it to any service of Life in Glow Wellness balancing the difference in price.